
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to 六开彩开奖结果 of Applied Arts and Technology (The College) website (The Site). We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site. This Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are in respect to users of The Site (visitors) who visit to view information, and visitors who may submit information or an inquiry using one of the available interactive website forms or make use of the various services offered by The College. Personally identifiable information is information that is used to identify or contact the person who submitted the personal information. Personal information may include: name, address, phone number, fax number and email address. The College may use this personally identifiable information to contact visitors in response to payments, inquiries and requested information. E-Commerce payments require the collection of some contact information in case we need to contact you about your payment. Information provided through our online payment system is not shared with third parties. If need to make a payment and you prefer not to supply your contact information, you may visit one of our campuses and make your payment in person. If you feel that the information you have submitted needs to be reviewed, modified, or removed, please contact 六开彩开奖结果 by phone at (705) 235-3211 or by email at聽webmaster@northern.on.ca. Information collected by The College is not accessible to third parties or College employees except for the use of addressing inquiries and requests.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information or data sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer鈥檚 hard drive for record-keeping purposes. We use cookies to make your visit to our web site easier. For example, cookies allow us to recognize you when you re-enter our web site, so that we may direct you to the geographical area best suited to your user experience. Cookies also allow us to count the number of unique and returning visitors who use our site. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can reset your browser to notify you when you鈥檝e received a cookie or, alternatively, to refuse to accept cookies. It is important to note that you may not be able to use certain features on our web site if you choose not to accept cookies. An IP address is a unique number assigned to your computer when you are using your browser on the Internet. We log this information so that we can monitor things like the number of visitors visiting the web site; however, we do not link your IP address to any personally identifying information. We, at times, may gather certain generic information with respect to customers鈥 use of our web site, such as the number of unique visitors, the frequency with which they visit, and the areas on the web site that they favour. Data is examined on a collective basis, in summary form, rather than on an individual basis. This data helps us determine the extent to which our visitors use certain parts of our web site, which, in turn, enables us to make it as appealing as possible.

Disclosure of Information

The College will disclose Personally Identifiable Information in order to comply with court orders or requests from law enforcement agencies to release this information. Information is also disclosed when necessary to protect the safety of visitors, employees, and general users of The Site.

Third-Party Content

Content accessed or available through the Website may be owned by parties other than 六开彩开奖结果 (collectively, 鈥淭hird Party Content鈥) and may be protected by applicable copyrights and laws. Our website includes third party search widget from Sun Life. Third Party Content may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to receive information from their digital properties for the purposes of tracking usage and performance of the widget. 六开彩开奖结果 disclaims any responsibility or liability to your access or use of any third party content.

Copyright Notice

All materials provided on the 六开彩开奖结果 website are protected by copyright and provincial laws of intellectual property. No images, logos, videos, text, and source code, may be copied and/or duplicated for use without a formal request and written permission from 六开彩开奖结果. For more information or to submit an inquiry regarding web elements and acceptable usage, please contact The College directly.


六开彩开奖结果 is committed to providing transparency with respect to the compliance of the organization鈥檚 electronic communication with Canada鈥 Anti-Spam Legislation, in effect as of July 1st, 2014. Electronic communication sent by the college to outside parties is done in compliance with CASL. You may unsubscribe at any time from receiving a CEM by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the CEM received in order to manage your subscription preferences. You may also contact us at webmaster@northern.on.ca to process your request not be contacted and to be removed from lists. We will remove you from our list within ten (10) business days.

Terms of Use

Website contents are provided for informational purposes. While the College strives to keep information, images, and source code updated, you are advised to verify information by contacting the College directly. Website errors, omissions, technical problems are brought to attention and are typically updated as soon as possible. Please note that 六开彩开奖结果 does not accept any liability for any consequences which may be incurred from inaccurate and/or incomplete web site information. From time to time, the College may run campaigns, events or contests where artwork, graphics and other images are posted. As a visitor to the site, you do not have permission to use any images, logos, videos, or text associated with campaigns, events, or contests without written permissions from the College or direct owner of posted text, logos, and artwork associated with a campaign, event or contest. For more information or to submit an inquiry regarding this disclaimer, please contact the College directly.

External Links

At times, 六开彩开奖结果 may provide links to external sites to provide information about additional resources and/or affiliations. The College does not endorse material contained in externally linked sites and The College does not assume any liability or responsibility for linked web sites or the contents found within. Broken or non existing link information can be submitted to the Webmaster at webmaster@northern.on.ca

Changes to Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

The College reserves the right to make changes, edits, deletions, and additions to the Online Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at any time without verbal or written notice.

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